Miami County Flood

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Rain is a natural occurrence and in Miami County, Ohio the average precipitation rate is approximately 38 inches a year. The average yearly rain fall across the United States is 36.5 inches yearly; they are close in comparison (Sperling’s Best Places, 2015). However, if rain comes down quickly or in large quantities a flood can occur. In Ohio during the year of 2005, a major disaster was declared by the president because of damage from mudslides and floods (, 2015). I chose flooding as a natural disaster to explore. I will discuss the different stages of a disaster in this paper.
Damages from flooding in Miami County, Ohio amounted to $18.4 million for public establishments and $8.3 million for private homes (Miami County …show more content…

During a flood, people may have to leave their homes. Sharp metal or glass objects may be floating in the water and cause an injury to a person (Holcer, Jelicic, Bujevic, & Vazanic, 2015). The public nurse can assist by making sure that the people have a stocked first aid kit with supplies that include bandages, antibiotic creams, antiseptic wipes, aspirin, and gloves (American Red Cross, 2015). They can give a number for the American Red Cross to locate missing family members in the event of a natural tragedy. The nurse can post phone numbers and evacuation plans on the refrigerator for easy access and …show more content…

(2015). Anatomy of a first aid kit. Retrieved from (2015). Miami County, OH Most recent natural disasters. Retrieved from
Holcer, N. J., Jelicic, P., Bujevic, M. G., & Vazanic, D. (2015). Health protection and risks for rescuers in cases of floods / Zdravstvena zaštita i rizici za spasioce u poplavljenim područjima. []. Industrial Hygiene & Toxicology, 66(1), 9-13. 10.1515/aiht-2015-66-2559
Miami County Emergency Management Agency. (2014). Public information release. Retrieved from
Nies, M. A., & McEwen, M. (2015). . In Community/public health nursing (6th ed.). St. Lous, MO: Elsevier Saunders.
Sperling’s Best Places. (2015). Miami County, Ohio Climate overview. Retrieved from