Michael Levin's 'The Case For Torture'?

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To quote Wilson Bentley, “No two snowflakes are alike.” Similarly no two articles or writings are alike. Every author has his or her own unique style and tone. Some authors make use of divine diction while others focus on sensational syntax. Furthermore no two articles are equal in content or caliber, theme or message, vocabulary or devices. With this in mind, Mr. Grant, I have determined based upon their individual writings how to divide up the $5000 between Michael Levin, Mike Ryoko, Marcia Clarke, and John F. Kennedy. All author displayed exceptional writing and made valid points. However, Michael Levin’s “The Case For Torture” is far and away the best essay among these authors and warrants a bonus of ___. In second comes John F. Kennedy’s inaugural speech earning a bonus of ____. Third is Marcia Clarke’s “Selling Your Organs: Should it be Legal? Do you own yourself?” with ____. Finally Mike Lyoko earns ___, for “A Noble Sacrifice for the right to bear AK-47s.” Michael Levin’s “The Case for Torture” is the first article up for discussion. Overall Levin outclasses his peers in terms of writing, argumentation, and rhetoric. First off he utilizes a plethora of rhetorical devices. His essay contains anadiplosis, alliteration, hypophora, parallelism among other devices. For example, an effective use of anadiplosis resides in paragraph seven: “I am not advocating torture as punishment. Punishment is addressed to deed irrevocably past.” By ending one sentence with the word