Michelle Obama First Lady Effect

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GE2225 Media and Communication:
Food and Fashion in Everyday life

Group Assignment 3

Topic: The First Lady Effect -- Michelle Obama
Section: C01 Wed 1200-1450
Instructor: Dr. Fen LIN

Name SID
Hung Chui Huen 53572034
Lai Ming Hin 53555652
Mok Yui Hin 53550748
Wong Man Kei 53559823
Yeung Shu Ting 53562643

Date of Submission: 3-11-2015 1700nn

First Lady’s fashion is always a frequent topic for discussion. She is a symbolic figure for people to discover the female image she’s conveying. Each First Lady has her own style. For example, Sarah Polk (1845-49)’s style was very conventionally feminine with corset and petticoats. Grace Coolidge(1923-29)’s style was different than previous first ladies. She liked wearing straight-waisted flapper …show more content…

Michelle Obama is obviously the fashion icon of the nation. She was praised by Vogue Magazine as one of the best-dressed people. People may see fashion as fun and frivolous, Michelle Obama shows that First Lady Style can be a representation of personal identity. Her impact on fashion is not limited to the "made in America" label, but also to inspire women, raise people’s sense of belonging to the country, and even boost the US economy.

Michelle Obama always shows optimism, glamour and accessibility through her fashion style and it defines the American style. “This is the first time we’ve seen a first lady who did not dress to fit in with the style you see with so many Washington politician wives,” said fashion writer Kate Betts. “She’s not dressing to somebody else’s ideal. She’s dressing for herself, not for the conservative Washington scene, and that’s a very bold statement coming from a first lady," Betts said. Michelle Obama has inspired the working women to dress more comfortably, such as wearing cardigans instead of jackets/blazers and flats rather than high heels. Apart from the change of outfits in workplaces, she also makes more women do fitness in order to get better