Micro Factors Of Divorce

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During the following essay I’ll explain the micro’s and macro factors that contribute to married couples getting a divorce. Divorce is a legal action that married couples use to terminate the relationship. There are numerous factors that lead up to a couple deciding to leave one another. One of the most common micro factors that contribute to divorce is an affair. In a marriage a couple takes values to love, honor, and respect each other. Having relations outside of your marriage has a major impact in your marriage because the values and trust of the marriage is broken. One way for a couple to prevent one another from having an affair is remaining sexual active and keeping your love life interesting. Having sexual relations with one person …show more content…

One of the more popular macro factor that has been a leading cause of divorce is the increase economic of independence in women. In the past, an unemployed wife was dependent on her for food and shelter. No matter how unhappy her marriage was, she stayed married because she was economically dependent on her husband (Knox, pg.440). Independent woman are woman who handles their responsibilities without help from others. By the standards society has set for woman who are independent leads up to divorce rate because they can work for themselves and spend their money on what they want to spend it on. The last macro factor that can cause a couple to divorce are fewer moral and religious sanctions. The world we live in today people view divorce as a guide from escaping marriage and breaking their morals. Religious sanctions gives moral accept of divorce the church has and open door policy come as you are. Fewer moral and religious sanctions just means that standards on those who may be consider outlaws are now accepted. To conclude this my views on micro and macro view towards divorce contribute to divorce but the mean reason people divorce is because they give up on the marriage. Especially in the period with the divorce laws are easier for couples to divorce and break the values they broke at the

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