Microaggression Bingo By Fatimah Asghar

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Mia Layza Ms. Guyer World Literature II 04 April 2023 Society’s Ignorance “Microaggression Bingo” by Fatimah Asghar emphasizes the importance of how society can be ignorant towards people of ethnic minorities. Asghar gets personal with readers and mentions specific things that have been said to them. This allows readers to understand that these are the new norms in today's society; that these are the things said without knowing that they are offensive. One prime example, (22) “I love hanging out with your family, it always feels so authentic!” Asghar mentioned to readers that the individual feels “different” or more “real” when they are spending time with a family of a different ethnicity and following their cultural standards. …show more content…

For example, (1,3, and 12) “White girl wearing a bindi at a music festival…Teacher still calls you ‘Fat-ma’ on the last day of school…Someone misspells both your first & last name in an email.” This underlines the fact that people do not take the effort out of their day to learn and understand more about how the smallest things can be offensive. Other examples, (4, 7, 20) “‘But you are lucky you have something exotic to write about!...’I went to India one, to find myself’... ‘So what’s Muslim food taste like?’” The constant romanticization of the culture can create extremely stereotypical views in society. Though these are everyday things that happen, it can also happen in the entertainment industry as well. Indicating, (8,9,16) “Casting call to audition for Terrorist #7…All the actors in a movie are white…Casting call to audition for Battered Hijabi Women #42.’’ These lines illustrate that the only time an individual would audition for a role, it would be either a terrorist or they would put white people in it to portray people of colour. It is something that is still prevalent in today's society, especially in the entertainment industry. They do not cast people of colour to play these roles, normally white