Microsoft Antitrust Case Summary

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MICROS OFT VS US DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE In 1998 the US Justice department and 19 states sued Microsoft for antitrust violations and predatory behavior, The Justice department and the 19 states stated that Microsoft had caused harm to consumer by stifling competition in the software marketplace., especially at the expense of Netscape browser. Attorney General Janet Reno stated that “Consumer and computer manufacturers should have the right to choose the software they want installed on their personal computer,” The Attorney General Janet Reno wanted to ensure that new software developer would be able to compete in a fair marketplace. The complaint sighted several things they deemed as anti-completive acts;  In May of 1995 Microsoft executives attempted to persuade an internet browser software competitors Netscape Communications Corporation, advised them not to compete with Microsoft. Microsoft also wanted them to divide the browser market with Microsoft making them the sole supplier of browser for use with Window 95 operating system. Netscape turned them down flat.  The lawsuit suggested that Microsoft unlawfully required PC manufacturer to agree to licensce and install its browser , Internet Explorer as a condition for obtaining lincenses for Window 95 OS.  Microsoft …show more content…

These agreements leverage its operating system monopoly by conditioning these Providers Inclusion in Windows’ list on their agreement to offer Microsoft’s Internet explorer browser primarily or exclusively through all of the channels through which it distribute their services not to promote or even mention to any of their subscribers the existence of a competing Internet browser ( in other words they could use someone else

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