
Middleboro: A Fictional Narrative

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Sunshine was rare thing in Middleboro. The sun didn’t dare peep out at the little town during summer or winter. The townspeople saw it maybe five times a year, always during autumn or spring, and on those days when the town did glimpse it, it was a feeble and cowardly thing. Its rays were never a burnt orange like in many other towns around the world, but were a pale yellow. That’s why it was such a weird thing for Aaron Clarken to wake up one winter morning to find sunlight filtering in his windows. Since he moved to Middleboro he had never bothered with curtains, so on that day he was woken up very early by a shaft of sunlight that had infiltrated his home. Despite his rude awakening, Aaron didn’t realise how truly strange the day was until his second cup of coffee. It was at that point he noticed something tickling his toes. Between his big toe and his second toe was a tiny sprout that was pushing its …show more content…

"This is ruining my hardwood." Aaron grumbled as he quickly walked toward his front door. His speed however changed nothing, in fact it seemed as he went faster the plants grew quicker and soon vines were reaching toward his heels. He fell through his front door with a huff, and landed on his cement front stoop. There, it seemed the plants stopped following him, as if the presence of cement blocked their ability to seek him out. Now that Aaron had a break from his pursuit, he noticed that several of his neighbors were eyeing him oddly. Aaron didn't exactly hate his neighbors, but they were a troubling bunch, always wanting to stop and talk about the most trivial things,and what for? Didn't they know he had more important things to do than talk about the weather? They lived in Middleboro for god's sake, it was always cloudy, and the most interesting weather phenomenon was a few flurries of snow in late January. That, if course, didn't matter to them seeing how one was walking over

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