Midsummer Night's Dream Essay Questions

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1. 1. What is the dramatic importance of the opening scene of A Midsummer Night’s Dream? The dramatic importance of the opening scene is that Shakespeare explain the all situation in the opening of the scene, he introduced all couples and explain the all situation as it will going on during the play. The author explain all conflicts of the lovers such as Hernia which is in love with Lysander, but her father has choose Demetrius to marry her but she doesn’t want because he recently been in love with Helena who is Hernia’s friend. Seems like the play will me more on how the three lovers will resolve the problems. 2. In what light do you see Oberon, Titania, Puck, and the other fairies as portrayed by Shakespeare in A Midsummer Night’s Dream? …show more content…

Also, Titania accuses Oberon of being Hippolyta's lover. Puck is one of the character who is much present in all stories during the play, and he introduced the fairies stories and create the drama of the lovers. It seems like Titania and Oberon are supposed to be a couple, but they never spend time together in a way or another. 3. Compare and contrast the characters of the females who figure in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. For example we have Hermia and Helena, those two character are jealous each other and they have different personality. Hermia is bold, short and confident woman because she is in love with the man she loves and Helena is not so confident, tall, quiet, young and sometime act desperately because she loves a man who doesn’t love her back. Hippolyta and Titania are both of them royalty but they are different in some way, Hippolyta who is silent, has the ability to express what she feels more by action than by words and Titania expressed herself more verbally because she spoke more than Hippolyta. 4. What different varieties of love do you find in A Midsummer Night’s

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