Migraine Suffering In Joan Didion's In Bed

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Joan Didion discusses in her piece, “In Bed,” about her life as a migraine sufferer. She has dealt with this debilitating condition since she was eight-years-old. One of the important things she mentions is, “… Migraine headaches were, as everyone who did not have them knew, imaginary.” She admits that many assume migraine sufferers “bring it on themselves,” and that it is their fault. They are told to simply take a couple aspirin to alleviate the pain. How would you deal with this neglect and disregard if you experienced the same serious condition Didion does? How can we, as a society, acknowledge migraines as what they are: not simple headaches? In “Head Cases,” Sadie Stein mentions Joan Didion’s piece. Stein disagrees with Didion about