Cause Of Migration

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Movement is everywhere in today’s world. Someone is always moving from one location to another. Sometimes the move is only temporarily, other times a person plans on never returning. Migration is often the cause of this global movement phenomenon. Whether it is internal migration or international migration, people often decide to move for a variety of reasons. It could be for a new job that offers higher pay or to escape a country where they would no longer be safe. Migration also tends to occur more with people who have lower incomes. The exact reason why people move tends to be very individualistic, however, in the broad scope,all reasons fall within certain categories. The three major causes of migrations within people living in poverty …show more content…

Latin America is a prime example where this could occur. Many countries in Latin America often deny that Racism exists is one or more of the following three: literal denial, justificatory denial, and interpretive denial (Dultizky). Each of these forms of denial means exactly what they sound like. “Literal denial” is when government literally say that racism and discrimination do not exist in their country. “Justificatory denial” is the attempt to justify some cases where racism exists, in other words, saying that in some cases racism is ok. Lastly, “interpretive denial” is the act of providing other reasons why statistics clearly show that there is a clear economic gap amongst blacks and whites (Dultizky). This could seem appealing to persons of color who feel that they live in a country where they are often discriminated against. Especially for people of lower income because the cost of living in Latin America is relatively cheaper. The idea of living in a country where there is no racism and where they might be able to afford more luxuries is enough to incentive a person of color with lower income statues to migrate. Unfortunately, upon arrival, these people will most likely find that racism and discrimination do exist in those countries. Some might argue that this would not be enough to cause someone to decide to move but if someone is living in a country where they constantly …show more content…

By analyzing how each one of these factors has occurred in a country within the Pacific basin (economic factors in China, cultural factors in Japan, and political factors in Latin America) it clearly shows how each factor plays a role in global migration. Having a better understanding of why people in poverty migrate allows one to further understand how global development and growth occurs. This movement allows humans to interact and learn more from each other, regardless of economic status. For this reason, it is important that one understands the three factors that can cause migration and how it influence their own