Mike Peters Decisions: A Story On Bribes

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A Story on Bribes NASA Senior Analyst Mike Peters lacked integrity and exhibited such poor ethical behavior in his decision making. It’s easy to say Mike should not have done the things he did but for someone who appeared to lack morals, integrity and ethics it is easy to see why he did the things he did. Working for NASA, a United States government agency that is responsible for science and technology related to air and space, Mike is held to pretty high standards and responsibilities regarding his position. (What is NASA?). Mike was trusted to evaluate and recommend software for the purpose of purchasing. Mike abused that trust as well as his responsibilities by recommending the software from Peace who also happen to be paying Mike. …show more content…

Under code 18 U.S.C. § 208 Mike is prohibited from performing acts that affect a personal financial interest. (Office of general counsel). Mike’s willingness to accept money exhibited a total lack of integrity and greed. Unbeknownst to his primary employer NASA, Mike deceitfully accepted money from Peace. Mike also misrepresented himself and his company to potential software providers as he knowingly and willingly accepted proposals and performed evaluations on software he never intended on …show more content…

Recognizing the fact the Office of Inspector General wanted to meet with Willie, it appears he worked for a government agency. Although the Inspector General only requested a meeting regarding a conflict of interest allegation, Willie’s fleeing of Arizona sure makes him look guilty. One thing Willie is guilty of is 18 U.S. Code § 1073 (Legal information institute) the flight to avoid prosecution or giving testimony. Willie knowing and willingly left to avoid a meeting with the Office of Inspector in order to discuss the allegations. Willie appears to have plenty to hide as he left the country. Apparently, he had great resources in Arizona to deal with potential conflict of interest but just did not utilize them. Willie, was assigned to his project knowing he sat on their board thus it presented a conflict of interest. Under Arizona Conflict of Interest Law A.R.S. § 38-503 (Arizona Revised Statutes Title 38), he is required to disclose his conflict of interest and refrain from serving on the Choo-Choo’s board of directors. Recognizing the fact most Board of Directors are compensated, accepting a stipend of any amount would violate Under code 18 U.S.C. § 208 (US office of government ethics) which prohibits Willie from performing acts that affect a personal financial interest. Willie could have avoided this by notifying his supervisor or by simply discussing the matter with his ethics

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