Milgram Assignment

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The event I have chosen to discuss in this assignment is becoming a young mother. The first term to be discussed is stereotyping. Stereotyping is a set of presumptions about the identity attributes or physical traits of a segment of society. I had a stereotype about young mothers. I could not understand how a person so young would be able to cope raising a baby. At the age of 20 I found out I was expecting a child of my own. Now I was going to be a young mother and face societies stereotypes. I often found people staring at my bump, probably unintentionally but it made me want to hide away my bump because I felt they were staring at me and judging me on becoming a mother so young, wondering how I would ever manage. During my pregnancy I began …show more content…

Recency effect is declining consciousness to acknowledge more current to take priority. During and after my pregnancy I had a constant flow of family and friends coming to visit and help me with my son. I was so grateful for the help because I was suffering from post-natal depression. The kindness had a lasting impression on me because it helped me through my worst times. In my work practise it is important to have a lasting impression on clients for their security and trust. In this assignment the research study to be discussed is Milgram’s study of obedience (1963). The term of obedience can be defined as a type of community impact that incorporates carrying out an activity under orders from a dominant figure. Obedience concerns changing behaviour because a dominant figure has told you to do so. After World War II, at the Nuremberg Trials, the Nazi’s defended genocide by saying they were only pursuing procedures. In 1963, Stanley Milgram set out to investigate how far people would go in obedience to orders. An order from an authorised figure would be adhered to – thus was the most relevant influence in obedience. Milgram presided over a number of experiments. There have been a number of reduplications of Milgram’s experiments and they formed resembling