Military Draft Should Be Mandatory Essay

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Younger people shouldn’t be forced to serve in the military because it violates their liberties, enough people already volunteer, and mandatory draft should be preserved for time of war. Forcing people to enlist in a military draft is a violation of personal liberties that are supposedly guaranteed in America. There are many young people who think of joining the military as their dream already, so there is no need to make more enlist. Lastly, a draft should be preserved for during time of war. Some countries draft their youth whether their in war or not. I don’t think a mandatory draft is needed in America. The youth should be able to choose to enlist or not. As I have stated before, drafting citizens for the military violates their personal liberties. In America you are expected to have free will. Not only does the military already take up 54 percent of the national budget but a draft would take thousands of employed workers who pay taxes out of their jobs, and then …show more content…

Other countries such as South Korea, make their youth serve two years of time training. To my knowledge they are not in war, so why do they chose to spend all the money to train these unneeded soldiers? Having soldiers and many other citizens trained in the military may impose a threat to other countries. When not in war implementing a draft would be completely unnecessary. In closing, I think it’s not right to make young people serve a few years in the military. Making people serve in the military because of their age is a violation of people’s liberties and free will. Enough people are involved with the military that there needn’t be any more trainees. I also think mandatory draft should be preserved for time of combat. If there is a need of many soldiers at one time, it should be an open opportunity for people to join, they shouldn’t be