Military Recruiters Should Not Be Allowed In High Schools Essay

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The issue with military recruits in high schools is relevant because the military was forced to execute policy changes to grab people’s attention into the military. These changes involved providing waivers to individuals with mental health condition as well as drug use. This issue is debatable while some believe that military recruitment in high schools should be allowed for beneficial purposes, such as helping the youth to determine their future career path; others believe that military recruiters should not be allowed in high schools until they can be honest about the truth of joining the military. Military recruiters should not be permitted in high schools. Recruiters present youths with misleading information which leads to unintended and negative consequences, such as permitting …show more content…

In this instance, they are wrong because they are not taking into consideration that many recruiters are promised to be given thousands of dollars in education when, the Montgomery GI Bill benefit is worth $69K. To join, you must make a nonrefundable deposit of $1200 paid to the military during the first year of service. The GI Bill advertises a massive amount of money, but it comes with a lot of strings attached. According to Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors thy state “The military advertises large amounts of education money, but the program is designed so the money is hard to get and harder to use. The inflexibility of the Montgomery GI Bill shows that the military wants to use it to recruit you, not to send you to college” (Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors). To earn larger benefits, you must qualify for the Army/navy college fund. Additionally, you must score in the top half of the military entry test and you must be willings to sign up to an appointed