Miller Family Communication Change Record Worksheet

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Some measurable objectives for this goal include the following; 1. When Gina drops Jeremiah off for a visit with her parents once a month, she will not yell and her parents will not make comments about how Jeremiah should be with his family and Gina is ruining this part of his life. 2. When Anne texts Gina she will no longer text in all capital letters. 3. Greg and Anne will not call Gina a traitor or a bad mother or a screw up any more 4. Anne will not text Adam about how he has stolen her daughter and ruined her grandson’s life. 5. Anne will not say negative things about Gina to Jeremiah. This would be a long-term intervention with the Miller family. This writer thinks that the current mode of communication within the family system is doing more harm than good for the family, and if this system can change, then it will equip the family to begin to work through other difficult areas. Changing the way that …show more content…

To get the family started on changing their communication, they will attempt to adhere to the goal and objectives listed above. To assist the family in discovering how these goals can change their family communication and dynamic, each member will be given a Communication Change Record worksheet (located in Appendix B). An example of how the family can use this worksheet is as follows, when Anne wants to text Gina that she is a screw up, or a bad mother she will pull out this worksheet and write the situation that is making her feel like texting Gina this. She will record what she wants to text Gina and the emotions associated with this text. Anne will then think of a goal-oriented response instead of her initial response and text Gina this instead. Anne will then record the outcome and her emotions (and the strength of the emotions) that are related to the outcome. An example of how to fill out the worksheet in this scenario has been given in Appendix

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