Mine By Raymond Carver Analysis

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What do you think of Carver's story? Do you like minimalist fiction? Why or why not? Do you see Hemingway's influence in Carver's writing? • This story brought about emotions in me. The feeling of anger and sadness. I do like minimalist friction. It was short and to the point. The wording was simple and easy to read. Carver’s writing is similar to Hemingway when it comes to the tone, conflict and foreshadowing. Carver's original title was "Mine," but he changed the title to "Popular Mechanics." [Think of the magazine of the same name. Do an online search if you are unfamiliar with the magazine]. What is the significance of the title, and which title do you think is most effective? Why? • The Popular Mechanics magazine is about home …show more content…

(Remember, tone is the author's attitude toward his character(s) or setting--this is different than mood.) Though the description of the setting is sparse, how do the few details provided help to establish the tone? • The tone of this story is aggression and intensity. The story started out with the wife expressing how glad she was that her husband was leaving the home. “I’m glad you’re leaving! I’m glad you’re leaving! she said. Do you hear? (328)” There was no response from the husband and at that time she states, “Son of a bitch” (328). The tone became more aggressive as it proceeded. In the scuffle they knocked down a flowerpot that hung behind the stove (329). You’re hunting the baby, she said …show more content…

In the scuffle they knocked down a flowerpot that hung behind the stove (329). • The symbol of darkness (violence/anger). The kitchen window gave no light. In the near-dark he worked on her fisted fingers with one hand and with the other hand he gripped the screaming baby up under an arm near the shoulder (329). What is the conflict, and how is it resolved? • The conflict was over who would take custody of the child. Who would be the sole caretaker for the child? How the conflict was resolved is unknown. In this manner, the issue was decided (329). Explain how Carver uses irony to convey theme? What do you think the theme is? • The theme could be that there is good and bad in relationships. The good in their relationship is their child. The irony is that the girlfriend is says, “I’m glad you’re leaving” and “you can’t look at me in the face” (329). These are two conducting statements. After listening to the story of 1 Kings 3:16-27, compare it to Carver's "Popular Mechanics." What similarities do you see, and what significant differences do you find in the endings of these two stories? • The similarity is the undying love for the children. The known difference is that in the story 1Kings 3:16-27 we know what happened with the child in the end verses “Popular Mechanics” the ending is left to the