Minimum Wage In Brazil Essay

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The minimum wage was established in Brazil in 1934, but only came into force in July 1940. The minimum wage was included in the Consolidated Labor Code in 1943 and, in 1963, extended to cover rural areas. Initially the minimum wage varied by state and sub-region, but it was turned into a single national minimum wage in 1984 (later consolidated by the 1988 Constitution). The minimum wage in Brazil applies to all workers, occupations, sectors and regions. While declining, informality is still relatively common in Brazil but many workers in the informal sector earn at or above the minimum wage.
The minimum wage in Brazil is set by the Government (Executive Power) and established by decree. The minimum wage …show more content…

4857). The size of the informal sector has risen steadily over the years. Minimum wages are set by the Minimum Wage Fixing Board consisting of five government representatives, five employees’ representatives and five employers’ representatives. The board meets with at least ten members present and decides by majority vote (Labor Act of Turkey, Law N. 4857). The Turkish Labor Act states that the goal of minimum wages is to regulate the economic and social conditions of workers. Aside from these conditions, the economic situation and inflation have been taken into account when fixing minimum wages (ILO travail). Minimum wages are required to be adjusted at least every two years, but in practice adjustments are …show more content…

In the period 1990-2009 more than 18% of covered workers were paid below the minimum wage level but this share dropped to 8.9% by 2011. A large share of the Chilean labor force also works without contract and is therefore not covered by labor laws. The government sets the minimum wage at its own initiative and is not required to consult or negotiate with the social partners. Nonetheless, in practice, employer and worker representatives are involved. The minimum wage legislation does not specify how or when to revise the minimum

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