
Minimum Wage Persuasive Essay

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The minimum wage has been changed twenty-two times by congress. The minimum wage was twenty five cents when president Franklin Roosevelt was in office. People want the minimum wage to increase, but if it were to increase it would ruin everything. It could make significant things worse for people, younger people would not find jobs, and many companies might have to shut down or do things differently. Minimum wage should not be Increased. A raise in minimum wage would make things worse for many people. The Congressional Budget Office projected 500,000 jobs would be lost due to a 2.85 dollar increase of the minimum wage. There was a survey taken by 1,213 businesses and human resources professionals, 38% of employers who pay minimum wage stated …show more content…

Actually since an 18 year old can work 48 hours a week if they work 48 hours weekly for a year at the minimal wage of $7.25 they would make $18,096 which is 48% more than the 2015 federal poverty level of $12,331 for a one-person household and it is 11% more than the poverty level of $16,337 for a single parent with a child under 18 years of age. "A 2013 study by University of Massachusetts at Amherst economist Arindrajit Dube, PhD, estimated that increasing the minimum wage to $10.10 is projected to reduce the number of non-elderly living in poverty by around 4.6 million, or by 6.8 million when longer term effects are accounted for." (Should the Federal Minimum… , 2017). That's if the poverty level didn't change because increasing the minimum wage would change the poverty levels because consumer items and products would become more expensive to compensate for the minimum wage increase meaning in the long run it wouldn't

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