Mining In California Essay

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Hazards of Mining in California It is time so that the many residents of California know the truth. Time that they know what’s happening to their environment. Time that they try to do something about it. The truth is that mining in California is really harming its environment. Even us that don’t live in California should care about what’s happening because it’s our earth too and we don’t want to harm it more than it already is. Mining in California has the potential to release harmful matters into the soil, air, and water. These harmful matters pollute the air that we breathe. It also pollutes the water that can be used for things like bathing, watering plants, and some of it even for drinking. There are many, many environmental risks to mining. Open-Pit Mining In case you were wondering, open pit …show more content…

It includes lots of movement of waste rock and vegetation, like open pit mining. Also, like most traditional ways of mining, underground mining can release toxic mixtures into the air and water. If water takes on harmful minerals and heavy metals, it becomes a contaminant, or pollutant. This contaminated water can pollute the area nearby the mine and beyond. Mercury is usually used as a mineral agent to help the recovery of some valuable ores. Mercury residue then becomes a major concern, and the wrong discarding can lead to contamination of the atmosphere and nearby bodies of water. Most underground mining operations increase sedimentation in nearby rivers through their use of hydraulic pumps (pumps that push large amounts of oil through hydraulic [moved or operated or effected by liquid] cylinders or hydraulic motors) and suction dredges; blasting with hydraulic pumps eliminates ecologically valuable dirt containing seed banks, making it tough for vegetation to recover. Deforestation due to mining leads to the disintegration of environments and contributes to the effects of

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