Minority Status Of Women

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The Minority Status of Women in the American History Women, in general, are treated as minors in the society because they have restricted access to power, are easily identifiable, often are viewed from a negative perspective and have mutual consciousness. Studies appertained to gender have enlightened us to understand that from when a little child is born, they are placed on different paths as a result of their gender. They are also put on various social interaction paths, have diverse social life experiences and are expected to react differently from orientations of the world. Although women form a majority of the population compared to males, males receive larger benefits and are put on a higher stand compared to women. Patriarchy has resulted in a view that men are superior in nature in society. Social structures whose areas of leadership are male-dominant are highly compensated than those of female. How feminism is defined acts as a hindrance to the upward mobility of the female gender in the society.
Difficulties the women in the west faced. In the Early History of the US, women were handled like property. Their husbands treated them like children; they couldn 't own property or even participate in voting until 1920 when the U.S Constitution was amended (Americanhistoryusa.com). Women 's movements were founded because they started making arguments. The theme of these movements was being born a female could not define your way of living. One particular group had the