Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar Essay

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"Mirabeau Buonaparte Lamar. Born on August 16, 1798 near Louisville, Georgia. Vice-president during the first national elections of Texas, the third president of the republic of Texas, but best known as the father of public education in our great state. Before the Texas education system was created, Mr. Lamar believed education was the way to make Texas a great nation. His proposal to create a system of education that would be endowed by public land set the first stone in what would end up being the Texas education system. His advocacy towards this program is what earned him the nickname of “the father of Texas education”. The passion Mr. Lamar showed towards public education and his push to create the education system is what now allows us to follow our dreams and educate ourselves. The impact that Mr. Lamar’s passion has had on me is huge. Thanks to him I can go to a school 5 times a week and learn new things that can make me a better person. Getting the chance to go to school and learn is a privilege that I as a student must take advantage of because of Mr. Lamar’s hard work. Without an education it is nearly impossible to grow and become what I’ve always wished to be in life. Thanks to Mr. Lamar I have that opportunity to expand my mind and have the knowledge necessary to succeed in life and in whatever I do. If it weren’t for Mirabeau Buonaparte …show more content…

In order to succeed I know I must work hard and educate myself to be prepared for whatever life throws at me. All this is possible because of a man who lived around 200 years ago who believed education was the way to make a nation great. This man advocated for education and his passion has paid off. Now, hundreds of thousands of kids in the great state of Texas, including me, now have access to public education. Something that would've been impossible if it had not been for the tenacity of a man who should be important to students all over the

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