Misaki's Narrative Fiction

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Misaki's amber eyes glowed in the night as he moved silently through the underbrush. The air was chilly but the sky was clear; allowing the moon to shine brightly in silvery slivers through the treetops. The sounds of crickets and other night creatures could be heard in the distance as they commenced their nightly ritual. Through it all, Orihara remained focused on his task as he made sure to keep his steps light and soundless. Though he was in his human form, the teen's body still picked over the landscape as easily as if he were in his wolf form. Misaki prided himself for that as not many werewolves were able to pull such a feat off. The brunette teen sighed as he stopped for a moment to judge the distance between his current position and his destination. Why his owner had sent him on a mission so far out in the wilderness was beyond him. Misaki had been tracking target activities for six months now and none of it seemed to be happening in this particular area. The eighteen year old rolled his eyes at the idiocy of the task, but pressed on. Orders were orders after all and it wasn't his place to question them. …show more content…

Dropping to the dirt to conceal himself more; the raven peered out at the quiet and dark cabin. Either the targets were out or asleep because no matter how much the teen strained his ears; he couldn't hear a thing coming from the little shack of a place. Should he risk sneaking closer to take a look or should he just wait it