
Misconceptions About Bees

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I have never been stung by a bee. A bee has never harmed me, nor has one called me ugly, nor insulted my mother. But bees and I, we go way back. When I was a small one, I had a picture book that described all the ways that bugs are helpful to us bumbling humans. There was one page that said if you dug a hole in the ground, there would be more bugs in that hole, than there are people on Earth. Another page showed how ladybugs can secrete this fluid that makes them taste nasty, so other bugs don’t eat them. But the page that stood out to me the most, was about the bees. There was a picture of these cartoon bees having a little dance party, to show how they lead other bees to flowers. It also said that without them, we wouldn’t have any more fruit …show more content…

Poor bees. They aren’t trying to harm anyone, they’re probably just a little lost. The mischievous part of me was awakened.
“Guys, I have a great halloween costume idea.” I had said, still staring at the mother and her three children. “So like, I’ll get a bee costume, and then I’ll paint my face like a zombie, and maybe put some fake blood on the bee costume or something, I dunno.”
“...yes…?” Cat looked at me with a grin, while Kendra stared at me looking equally amused. I have been told they appreciate my enthusiastic nature.
I got up from my spot on the lounge chair, bent my knees, folded my arms like wings, and said loudly, “So then I’ll be a zombie bee! A zomBEE! And I can hover around people's yards and scream, ‘YOU’RE KILLING ME! YOU DID THIS!’” The girls erupted into laughter while I danced around the hot concrete, buzzing like a bee. I don’t think the bee-hating mother was very amused by my loud demonstration, because she and her rambunctious children left soon after. By this time the sun was low enough to not be blinding, and the four of us were seated in a row, wrapped in towels. “Now you guys know what I have to deal with, living in this apartment.” Cat chuckled, referring to the screechy mother and her …show more content…

“Cause we’re all too preoccupied with our own lives to just take a step back and see the bigger picture. There's so many beautiful and fascinating places and creatures in the world that are just, there. The Earth created them all by itself.”
Dominic sat up. “Damn. that was deep Maddie.”
I smacked him in the arm. I admit, that did sound a little bit like a hippie’s internal monologue. The sun was setting and our day was winding to an end. We grabbed our wet towels and started walking back to Cat’s apartment. I turned to look at the spot I had left the little bees to dry off. Some had already flown away, and some were...sleeping. They were very tired. I know, 12-something bees is not going to save the world from a life without chocolate. So what's the point of scooping up half dead bees out of a pool? Maybe it’s wishful thinking but maybe, some other girl across the world will save some bees from death. And that girl’s little brother will notice that she saved some bees, and he’ll want to do the same. Then that's 36 very much alive little pollinators! You catch my drift? I think that as large, debatably intelligent humans, we have a responsibility to take care of all the living things around us. The Earth is our only

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