Misconceptions Of The Government And Initial Thoughts About Our Government Today

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Initial thoughts about our government today.

There are things about our government that I really appreciate but I see those good things fading away the farther we get from the principles that our government was originally founded upon. There are many things about our government today for which I am very grateful. I praise God for the many freedoms we have in this nation: freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom to choose my own vocation, freedom to travel out of the country, and freedom as a woman to do almost anything a man can. I am glad to know that if I am accused of something I have a right to a trial of my peers, also that police officers and government officials are accountable to the law. I am very grateful for the freedom to …show more content…

Biblically, government has an important but very defined role. Unfortunately, many people now look to government to do things that government was never intended to do. Politicians promise more and more in order to get votes. Government policies are contributing to more and more people becoming dependent on government programs. The federal government uses money to buy power by offering or withholding grants. High taxes hurt the economy as do too many government regulations and restrictions. The government continues to print money without anything to back it up. In order to keep spending our government has gone farther and farther in debt. As the character of the American people has eroded the government has ceased to protect the life of the unborn. Separation of Church and State has been used to take Christianity out of schools and court rooms. Rather than solely protecting our liberties the U.S. government has been encroaching on them more and more. It seems like all of the dividing lines and separations of power are blurring together as each branch tries to do more than is constitutional. Politics and politicians have become more and more corrupt. I think that the only way for us to avoid the complete destruction of our country is to remember and turn back to God and the principles set forth in his word – not just as individuals but as a

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