Miss Brill Character Analysis

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The character of Miss Brill has developed her life into one quite the contrary of the typical lifestyle. Her life consists of indirect human contact with people who do not even realize she is listening to their conversations, and personification of a fur coat which seems to be her biggest and only friend throughout the story. Miss Brill is plagued by solitude and loneliness that she has allowed her life to become engulfed by. Miss Brill’s fur coat is the first major object mentioned in the story, but object isn’t what Miss Brill herself would call the fur. She takes it out of the box and caresses the fur, rubbing “the life back into the dim little eyes.” (Mansfield, 182) It is continuously personified into not an object, but a living thing that is connected to Miss Brill, herself, in a way. Wearing the fur not only rubs the life back into it, but into herself as well, as she wears it to her weekly trip to the park. Leaving her home and walking to the park, Miss Brill has a very high self-confidence. She feels good in her fur and is on her way to participate in her typical Sunday afternoon activities. Once arriving at the park she takes into account several aspects of the environment that normally, people wouldn’t notice. She takes into account the new coat of the conductor, an increased number of people from the previous week, and thinks to herself that the band is “louder and gayer”, (Mansfield, 183) which could be in correlation with her mood, as she is still very happy