Mistakes In The Jonbenet Ramsey Case

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JonBenet Ramsey who was a young loving beauty queen of Colorado, who’s live was taken way too early. JonBenet was murdered in her home in Boulder Colorado on December 26, 1996 at the age of six. After completing my research, I was able to make a prediction of who I believed murdered the incent child, and it did not take much research to see the mistakes made by the Boulder Police Department. The Boulder Police Department made numerous mistakes in the JonBenet Ramsey case. One of very first mistakes the Department made was that they did not search the house very thoroughly, nor did put the house on secure the home and the evidence within the home after the first arrived on the sense. The Police department should have made sure that nobody enter the home, nor left the Ramsey home, before they had the opportunity to search it, and question everyone in the home at the time of the event. With no doubt if the police would have searched the house when they first arrived on the sense, they would have found JonBenet in the cellar of the basement in the Ramsey home wrapped in a blanket. Allowing John Ramsey and a close friend to search the house for missing house hold items, and that allowed him to find his deceased daughter. The Bounder Police Department also allowed family and friends to enter the home, …show more content…

When I looked at the handwriting of the ransom note and the handwriting of Patsy, there are some similarities, within the letters. Any individual can make their handwriting look sloppy, but there will always be similarities. I believe Patsy could have been irritated by something that JonBent could have possibly done, which caused Patsy to hit JonBent with a forceful object that could have caused serious brain damage. Instead of taking JonBent to the hospital she decide to stage a crime sense of a kidnap and murder instead. If Patsy did murder her daughter she got away with the