Mittman's Essay 'The Impact Of Monsters And Monster Studies'

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This essay will be analyzing the impact of the ‘monstrous’ that Mittman refers to in his essay “The Impact of Monsters and Monster Studies”. This essay will look at the impact of the monstrous in Shelley’s Frankenstein. The monstrous in Frankenstein refers to the creature that was created and brought to life by the main character Victor. The creature had a negative impact on the characters of Frankenstein, in fact the creature made the life of Victor’s family a living hell. This will be further examined later on. The impact the creature has on readers of Frankenstein is that he makes the reader feel suspenseful and anxious. This will be looked into further later on. The examination of the creature’s impact on the characters of Frankenstein …show more content…

The character that was affected the most was his creator. Victor’s creation effectively made his life a living hell. The creature murdered three of Victor’s loved ones. And in doing so, the creature made Victor the target of many false accusations. But, the effect of the creature’s actions not only had an impact on Victor. The creature had a negative impact on the people who knew all three of his victims. In addition, the creature obviously had a negative impact on all three of his victims, because he ended their lives. The creature also had an indirect impact on other people. An example of this is what happened to Justine. She was falsely accused for the death of William, when in reality it was the creature who murdered William. She ended up falsely admitting to the death of William and was put to death. So, the creature was responsible for more than just three lives. All of these reasons strongly suggest that the creature had a negative impact on the characters in the Frankenstein. To suggest that the creature had a positive impact on any of the characters in the story is false. The impact of the creature on the reader will now be