ICD-10 Classification

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In addition to the standalone CD types and subtypes described above, ICD-10 classifies mixed subtypes of CD. Mixed Conduct Disorders are more complex, involving both conduct and emotional abnormalities, and several criteria must be met to warrant the diagnosis of the mixed conduct and emotions category, specifically, a mixture of [ bullet points] (a) conduct issues; (b) emotional issues; (c) mood disorders and (c) neurosis. Clinical features of conduct disorder accompanied by persistent severe emotional issues must be met to diagnose a Mixed Conduct Disorder. These issues include debilitating and persistent emotional symptoms such as anxiety, phobias, depersonalization, derealization, obsessions associated with compulsions, and hypochondriasis. …show more content…

Although this theory based sub-categorization of CD does not represent a greater hallmark in clinical terms as the criteria in ICD-10 and DSM-5 it does provide an additional description of the disorder, with more details that contribute to the existing clinical features, thus forging greater understanding of CD. The four sub-types of CD consist of (1) the overt destructive pattern; (b) the overt non-destructive pattern; (c) the covert destructive pattern; and (4) the covert non-destructive pattern. The overt destructive pattern aspect is mainly associated with aggression and confrontation behavior among juveniles, and is believed to be one of the most relevant criminogenic factors. The overt non-destructive pattern is warranted to CD sufferers, who exhibit an openly and repeated offensive, but non-confrontational behaviors, such as lying and manipulation intents. The covert destructive pattern, is characterized by more callous and secretively premeditated destructive behaviors, associated with more serious delinquent behaviors, and serious violation of people’s properties, such breaking and entering accompanied with arsons or fire settings. The covert non-destructive pattern, is characterized by secretly non -aggressive and non-confrontational behaviors, that lead to delinquent factors and …show more content…

Yoder et al. (2016), using structured functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), examined children aged between 9 to 11years with different subtypes of CD, and found strong association between CD and brain abnormalities. In the most recent neurological study, Lindner et al. (2016) also found strong association between reduced corpus callosum in the brain anatomy, and the development of CD, irrespective of early childhood adverse events or psychiatric

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