Mob And Michelle Duggar Influence On American Marriage

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Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar have a strong marriage and 19 kids together. The rumors have been flying that these two might be getting a divorce. Now Jim Bob and Michelle are not speaking out on these rumors, but instead they are shooting them down by sharing how in love they are now. US Magazine shared that Jim Bob and Michelle actually went to their Facebook page today to share how strong their marriage is now. Even though they aren 't talking about the rumors, it seems like the Duggars want everyone to know they are not true.

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar Share Five Tips for a Strong Marriage: ‘We Are More in Love Today ': Jim Bob and Mi...

— Edward George (@georgeedward_) March 29, 2016 Now the Duggars are on social networks defending their marriage, but avoiding the rumors at the same time. Here is what Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar shared about their marriage. …show more content…

"We are more in love today than when we married almost 32 years ago! By God’s grace, our marriage is the strongest and sweetest it has ever been!"

After that comment, Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar went on to speak out about their advice for people who are married and how to make it last. They said, "Individually pursue a close relationship with Jesus. The closer we each get to God, the closer we each get to each other." They also shared some other advice about not calling each other negative things, making sure you don 't go to bed angry and also going on dates with each