
Mob Justice Can Be Caused By Mass Hysteria In The Crucible

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Mob Justice can be caused by mass hysteria or paranoia through many ways. The Crucible is a book based on a true story where people of Salem were being accused of being witches, especially women. If those one that were accused didn't confess to witch craft, they would be hung. If you did confess, then you would just be put in jail. On the other hand, McCarthyism is a thing that Senator Joseph McCarthy established, which was also known as the "Witch Hunt." McCarthy accused many different types of people, such as people of the state department, of being communist and would turn them in. On a different note, Interment camp are camps or shelters where the Japanese were sent to live at a time period. 120,000 people were sent to live in the camps, while 8,000 moved east to escape from this. This event happen during the World War II. Through out all theses stories, mass hysteria or paranoia can be caused through many different ways, such as being jealous of someone else, mistrusting people such as the communist, and being a certain type of race of religion, like the Japanese. …show more content…

Abigail and John Proctor met in the woods one day and John was angry with Abigail. Proctor pushed Abigail and she fell with something stabbed into her stomach. Abigail went home to Parris's house, where all the court people were at. She fell to the ground and was hurting. She claimed that Elizabeth Proctor used witch craft to do that to her. The court believed it was all true because they visited John and Elizabeth's house and found a needle stuck into a poppet. They claimed that is represented witchcraft. Goody Proctor was taken in after this had happened. Mary told John that Abigail did it. She told the court that she believed that Gooy Proctor was working with the devil. Jealousy is a big part of how the mob justice can be

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