Mobile Therapist Case Study Paper

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CC- 3:45-8:45 3:45-4:30- Mobile Therapist (MT) pick the client up from his Daycare to take him to the NBN office to work on his Impulsive goal. The MT engaged in conversation with the client by talking about his school, his recent trip to Baltimore, MD for an appointment and wanting to conduct a science activity at home. The MT continue the discussion by asking him about his behaviors at home, in which the client stated he has been doing well at home. During the drive to the office, the client was talkative to the MT by expressing past events and wanting to know what activities he was going to do throughout the current session. The MT will work with the client at the office on his Impulsive behaviors. 4:30-6:30- When the Mobile Therapist (MT) and client arrived at the office, and at the office there was a client and Therapeutic for Families Support (TSF) worker at the office. The TSF worker was working with her client on making a bracelet in which the client wanted to participate. As the client was working on the bracelet, he became confused and ask for assistance in completing the …show more content…

The client was unhappy with the delay in time and continue to ask the MT why they was not moving. The MT utilize the time to have the client use breathing techniques while listening to instrumental children songs. After the client was done listening to the instrumental songs, the MT asked the client to identify the song based on the sound without the words. The client was able to relax and not worry about the delay in traffic. The client was uncomfortable in the car as there was an accident which delay the client from returning home in an appropriate timeframe. By the MT providing the client with a self-awareness activity of his breathing along with talking to him about multiple, the client was able to stay calm during the travel.

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