Moby Dick Research Paper

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Herman Melville born in 1819 was a well known novelist for the story; “Moby Dick”, a journey the Essex goes through on a quest for money, to the crew’s knowledge. While in dramatics it’s a journey for revenge against the whale that ate the captain’s leg. The story was influenced in its syntax by Hawthorne who was a world famous dark romantics writer. Writing of the story he heard while on his own journey at sea of the boat “Pequot”. The story was not a hit during the time of Melville’s life but his role model, his idol, idolized his work of art. Along with Ron Howard who saw the story and wanted to make the classic a Grammy worthy film. He saw the opportunity, had the resources, and had the money to make the novel everything Melville could ever want. (See worthy). Ron Howard’s film “In the heart of the Sea,” guarded the integrity of what Hawthorne called “The American Great Novel.” …show more content…

As Paulard is raised into sailing he feels more divine to captain his crew and is stubborn enough to lose everything to withhold his beliefs. With his poor decisions early on in the movie he almost lost his ship and his stupidity almost made him kick off his best crew member. “Pleasure could come from the less and organized and irrational things in life as well as the organized and rational. Pleasure could come from kids and adventures or money and the thrill of becoming rich off the hunt. Loves makes people happy as much as money could ever make you