Modern Day Sirens Research Paper

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Seduction a strong attraction, temptation a desire, both words you have probably heard or experienced before. There are many ways to seduce and tempt someone but an odd way is by singing. One extremely interesting creature uses this method of seduction and temptation, sirens. Sirens sing to seduce sailors from their ships into the water. Once they get the sailors where the want them they attack and eat them.
Sirens are one of the most deceiving mythological creatures. the three most important things about sirens is They have different appearances, They are known for their way of seduction, and they take place in many different stories."Sirens." a short article that describes a few different stories that sirens are a part of along with different appearances, and origin; "The Sirens - Mythology Original Temptresses." by Mike Belmont describes comparisons to “modern day sirens” and how they deceive people; "Sirens Mythology - Crystalinks." a long presentation that describes the different belief religion wise. "Sirens." describes a few different appearances along with some origin. “The Sirens were beautiful but dangerous creatures that lured the sailors with their beautiful voices to their doom, causing the ships to crash on the reefs near their island. …show more content…

In conclusion Sirens are mythical creatures that exist in mythology stories and religion. Some of the connections i 've made with this topic are that the “modern day sirens” (such as vampires) aren 't as different but also don 't seem realistic like the stories. Ive also made the connections between Modern day women and the most popular way to get the attention is by deception. Sirens are one of the most deceiving mythological creatures. the three most important things about sirens is They have many different appearances, They are known for their way of seduction, and they take place in many different stories. Sirens are everywhere in greek mythology, do you think something like this exists in our