In Module 1, I intended to give my peers an insight on the basic retail market. My goal was to define retailing and accurately identify retailers. I was able to accomplish this objective by explaining what products or services each business provides and why it is considered as a retailer. I read module 1 and chapter 1 of our textbook to understand what retailing is and examples of retailers. After understanding the concepts, I went online to conduct more in-depth research on which businesses are considered retailers. From the module, I found the definition of retailing and retailer which I used to write my discussion post. From the textbook, I focused on the part of, functions performed by retailers. This reading helped me form my answer in the discussion post because there was an example of Dell Computers and the textbook explained how …show more content…
I was able to relate to the retailers in the question because they are common and I purchase McDonald’s as well as services from the bank. This gave me background knowledge on why the businesses are classified as retailers which I have explained in the post. My external research was mainly on various businesses that are considered retailers. I included a link in my discussion post to an article which outlines various businesses and what they do which makes them a retailer. An interesting example was of non-store retailers. The article states that consumers in the US spend on average $50 billion a month on products purchased online (What Types of Businesses Are Considered Retail). I found this fascinating, the retail industry is definitely huge. I did not include this fact in my discussion post because I just wanted to write about my own thoughts and my own understanding of retailers, but I included the link for anyone interested to read further. I read many of my classmates’ postings and they were similar because they all explained the businesses products or services and then classified them as a