Module 2 Reflective Essay

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Module 25 Task one and two from module 25 ask candidates to reflect upon the course and their professional development and these tasks should provide the starter point for the assignment Three areas where the theory of teaching discussed in the course has benefited your teaching practice. Module four was quite exciting for me because I had the opportunity to learn regarding receptive skills. I prepared this lesson for my pre-intermediate class who are young adults. The purpose of the reading activity was to provide learners with the opportunity to understand information in everyday materials such as a brochure, letters, and articles. In addition, learners were encouraged to use both bottom-up and top-down strategies to help them understand the text. During the class, I did not fully understand the use of bottom-up and top-down. However, after the feedback given by my tutor, I reflected on this and decided to research the topic more. Now, I fully understand the use of both and the knowledge acquire in this module has helped me to encourage my learners to use both strategies for better comprehension. …show more content…

Now, I am more aware of learning style preferences and trying to build them into instructional planning which is a functional way to do this. In addition, I am able to identify my students as visual, auditory, reading/writing or kinesthetic learners, and aligning my overall curriculum with these learning styles. This has been proved to be beneficial for my entire classroom. Today, I fully understand what kind of learner my students are, now I can gain a better perspective on how to implement these learning styles into my lesson plans and study

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