Module 5-1: Creating Connections

514 Words3 Pages

Valerie Ford
SOC 112 Milestone Three
Module 5-1

Creating Connections by Cultural, Social Roles, Social Inequalities and Impact of Social Change on bulling. The relationship between the cultural beliefs and biases identified in the map and the social are
For example for the fact that Some Americans tend to believe that bullying is only school children’s problem. Another example Some People believe that base on other person size, but in different cases the victim is chosen because of social or racial difference. The cultural beliefs and biases identified in the map helped me better understand the social issue of bullies.
The relationship between the social roles identified in the map and the social issue, a specific example that supports my description is kids who are bullied are the targets of bullying behavior, can be identified as often as victims and peers. Kids whom bully children engage in bullying behavior towards their peers. For example, Bullying is most commonly defined as a set of aggressive behaviors toward others that are characterized by three criteria:
1. Bullying is intentional aggression that may be physical, verbal, sexual, or more indirect (relational). Bullying behaviors also may be demonstrated through technology such as cell phones and computers.
2. Bullying …show more content…

The social inequalities presents in the issue person that is victim of bullying because of race, difference type of household (single parent, dual parent, etc.) and their sexual orientation. The social inequalities identified in the map help you better understand the social issue; and the social issue is challenging the existing state or conditions, For examples Social condition is the situation you have in society because of your income, your occupation or your level of education. For example you are retired, homeless, a student, or a recipient of social assistance or employment