Module 6 Essay

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In today’s society we have developed myths to accept or defer our responsibility by classifying the problems in different cultures to make ourselves feel better about who we are as a person instead of actually making changes in society. There are six main cultural myths in society, they are, culture is static, culture and power are separate, stereo types are built on truth, progress is progress, color blindness is progress and we’re all making a big deal out of nothing. One of the most common myths and the one which will be discussed here is myth number six, we are all making a big deal out of nothing. Here we will discuss this myths use and where we see it every day, the affects on society, and what people in society can do to help change …show more content…

Its not only seen as use with culture but in our personal relationships as well. “if you have ever hears someone say you are making a big deal out of nothing” (John T. Warren, 2014). This is simply perpetuating the problem by making a person feel as if person does not care about them, or the way that this makes a person feel. Society’s problems are not just problems of one person but of the society as a whole. This simple statement just shifts the focus from what the problem is to something else in order to minimize the real problem at hand. If we are not cognizant of the problems and feelings of others in society how will society ever truly achieve …show more content…

The best way is for people to stop going through the motions that they truly care about society problems. Actually listen to what people say is the problem. Don’t minimize other people feelings. Feelings are a lot of things but they are never wrong. If a person feels a certain way about something then that is exactly how they feel and nobody can tell them it is wrong. If we all stop minimizing the problems and the feelings of others around us, then society as a whole will improve. Society defines our system of meaning and builds on our identities. Nobody should be left with the feeling that they do not matter and their feeling of inequality is simply not

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