Molecular Kinesis In Dr. Manhattan Of The Watchman Of Marvel Comics

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There are a vast amount of powers there are many powers to view and work with but only one stand above the rest; molecular kinesis. This power is shown very little in movies and films because of the controversy it causes the character to be a figurative god. We have seen it in multiple stories with Dr. Manhattan of The Watchmen, or Firestorm of DC Comics, or Molecule Man of Marvel Comics. Molecular kinesis is the power to manipulate, change, and control molecules. With each form being a little bit different in the comics there have been a few constant with each incarnation that makes it difficult to use to just anyone. One of the major advantages of having this super power is that the universe is at whoever’s beck and call as long s they understand how it works. This allows the user to create lead into gold without expending energy or destroying the molecules outright.They also have the power …show more content…

The only way to control and really use the power is to have a good understanding of what they’re building and breaking down if hey don’t they could cause mass destruction to themselves and others. It also causes the wielder of the power to sometimes lose a sense of humanity as seen with both Dr. Manhattan and Molecule Man. With Molecule Man, he went insane and the power corrupted his mind for a while but, with Dr. Manhattan, he understood too much and felt that since he understood what made up people and emotions he didn’t have to invest in the reasons behind what’s going on or what another person wanted. This caused a rift in how they saw the world and what they thought of as other people as toys or children without much depth. While with Firestorm it actually took two people to control the powers they held, or else they would lose control and explode causing mass destruction. This is the curse that comes with every superpower, it takes something from you, what it takes is always changing with the

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