Money In The Great Gatsby Analysis

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Money equals power. As far back as mankind goes, money, in any form has been a symbol of power that allows one to do anything they please and seemingly get away with it. People believe that money will solve their problems when in reality, it simply creates more. Henry David Thoreau said, “The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it”. This message is repeated many times within The Great Gatsby. Throughout the novel, money is used to attempt to mend the issues that the characters created for themselves. In the moment of spending money, each character thinks that they are paying their way out of trouble. The consequences arise later when they can no longer be disguised by money. Daisy, Tom, Gatsby and Myrtle all view money as a solution to their problems in the novel. Daisy thinks that money can buy her happiness and fix all of her problems, but, throughout the novel, her use of money leads to more problems. Tom uses his money to attract a new woman because he is bored with Daisy and desires something new. He “buys” Myrtle with the dog, the apartment, and the large amounts of alcohol. Myrtle thinks the money is aiding her escape from her poor husband and life, but it leads to her death. Gatsby also thinks that money will solve the problem of Daisy not marrying him. His lavish extravagant parties and cars lead to his death because it makes him well known and easy to find. From a young age, Daisy thinks that money is the only way to solve any and all