Monolith In 2001 A Space Odyssey

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Directed by Stanley Kubrick, 2001: A Space Odyssey is one of the most highly acclaimed science-fiction movies of all time. Based on the short story “The Sentinel” by Arthur C. Clarke, the movie tells about the evolution of man. Titled the “Dawn of Man,” the first part of the movie shows a two rival groups of apes, and after a monolith is discovered, the leader of one of the groups beat the other with a bone. Jumping forward a couple of millions of years, a group of scientists, led by Dr. Floyd, are going to the moon to see a strange discovery; it happens to be another monolith. Another one and a half years later, two astronauts and the Supercomputer Hal 9000 are aboard a space station headed for Jupiter; there was a strange signal received

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