Monologue From Minerva Jones

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Minerva Jones My name 's Minerva Jones, I 'm just a simple girl, not wanting for a whole lot. I am the village poetess, I make enough to get by but that ant a problem for me I don 't care much for owning a lot of things. I want what every young girl wants, love, but the boys 'round here don 't much like girls like me. I 'm a little on the heavy side and have a slight roll in my walk. But I still deserve to be loved don 't I? Everyone scoffs and jeers at me when I walk by. I was 19 when my time came. It was the fall of 1894. Not that its likely for me to be remembered, well not by death any way. I died in the wake of the Great Hinckley Fire. That forest fire killed over 450 people. I should have died in a memorable way unlike how I did. I

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