
Monologue Of King Oedipus

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Today in recent news from our very own messenger we came to find that the once great city of thebes that was on its way to it's own demolish since it's king laius died and was replaced by a young man named Oedipus,has regained it's livelyness back but not in a good way.We have learned that the new king Oedipus was the son of Laius and Jocasta though he had no idea since he was sent to be killed he then became the son of polybus and his wife.The reason for him being sent off was because of an horrible oricle, that oricle has come true he came to the the place where three roads met and murdered his own father and his army. He then became king of thebes and married the lady Jocasta and bared children with neither one knowing that they where mother

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