Monopolies Research Paper

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Local fisherman Christopher gets home after a rough day. The business he once built up from the ground is sinking further into debt. Rummaging his ramshackled house for a meager meal, the only food that remains is a slice of bread. He rations this off to all five members of his starving family. This is what life has become now - not just for Christopher but for the majority of America. This great nation was founded on the principles of free trade and free competition. Unfortunately, these principles have been completely ignored and cast away in recent times. No longer can a local business man feed his family or buy a decent house. These cunning large corporations have taken control of our lives and have forced us to live a certain way. We are …show more content…

They do not care about us- the people, they only care about the massive profits they reap at the expense of us. The emergence of monopolies is a systemic issue and by eliminating them we will eliminate most other problems the people face. So what should we do? I, along with the rest of us, believe that we need to enforce strict regulations on these people. Governor, we trust you and believe your administration should be given the power to define and break up monopolies. Not only that, we believe that public utilities such as water, gas, and electricity should be brought into direct control of the state. Moreover, we believe there should be a creation of a commission that monitors corporations and investigates wrongdoings. This commision will also be in charge of setting the prices of public utilities. However, we believe these commissions should be elected by the people of the state. Now, we know there might be some skepticism about our plan, considering the Sherman Antitrust Act has passed recently, and has unfairly targeted labor unions while still having issues controlling monopolies due to loopholes regarding unilateral price fixing and