Monroe Doctrine Dbq

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The Monroe doctrine was a foreign policy doctrine, which stated very clearly that there wouldn’t be any more colonization from the Europeans in any of the states as well as any land near North America that the Americans were interested in. Many presidents have used the doctrine such as Theodore Roosevelt and he actually edited the doctrine saying that Europeans could not force their way and go to collect debts from Americans. So as you can see this doctrine was very powerful and was probably the most significant James Monroe did while he was the President. This affected both the British and the Americans in both positive ways and negative ways. The doctrine also took enforced one of Washington’s foreign policy’s, which was also approved to be put in the doctrine by the British, which stated that the U.S. “ Would only be involved in European affairs if any of Americas rights are disturbed.” This meant that the Americans would only intervene into Europe if an American was being mistreated while they were in Britain or something along those lines. So as you can see, the doctrine was very significant and affected the British and the Americans very much. But the Americans definitely got the upper hand because the British could not touch them or really do anything to them, and they couldn’t for a hundred years until the doctrine ran out. …show more content…

It stated that the Americans would not barge into Europe and colonize or anything and in return the British would not barge into the United States. Surprisingly both sides abided by this rule and did not go against it at any time. It most likely did not happen because if one side were to try and colonize or the other side would fight back and it would become an all out war. This worked out very well because the states did not have a great military at the time so they could not even fight the Europeans if they wanted to. This also included the European internal

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