Monster Alternate Ending Essay

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I had been running with all my might, for over two minutes. Yet the monster, that could be straight from my nightmare. He was right on my tail, he was getting closer and closer, by the minute. Because I was slowing down, due to me getting extremely tired out. He was speeding up, because he saw me, the same way a lion sees a gazelle. I was thinking about trying to turn around and fight him, but obviously more than likely that would end with my death. I figured It was going to have to do something soon, so I did something most would not do in an unknown area, I jumped in the murky green water and dived to the very bottom and hid in the mud. I did this till I thought the monster was gone, but just to be sure, I stayed down there for a little over two hours, just to be absolutely sure. I was glad my suit, had a large supply of air …show more content…

It was night time when I resurfaced, I could not see anything around me, so I decided to turn on the night vision setting on my suit. I reached down and pushed one of the buttons on my wrist, after I pushed the button on my suit control panel, the dark surrounding lit up with all sorts of animal, I could no see before. Many of them looked like small and non-lethal, although I saw a couple larger animals in the bush, many of them would likely give me no trouble. But I was scared that whatever that thing was, there might be more of them nearby. I began to wonder if perhaps, if that was a natural animal, God never created any creatures like that. So I had concluded that, giant lizard monster and humanoid monster I had just seen, must be the Robotic creation of a mysterious Faction, called the Project. The group that we were sent to destroy, I wish I had asked the captain where the factory was at, because it stands to reason that is their location.I was a low ranking member, so most of the important information was told to people like, either the Captain or the