Moon Landing Conspiracy Research Paper

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Do you believe in the moon landing conspiracy? There are various theories that skeptics compose to attempt to accuse NASA of faking the Apollo moon landings, although all these theories can be proved wrong even with the simplest explanations. The moon landing conspiracy was “claimed” to be a hoax because the only time we have ever landed on the moon was under Nixon’s administration, and the reason for this is after we finally made it to the moon the interest for everyone else to get there died out just like the flow of money that had been invested into the missions; skeptics attempt to say that it was faked since even with the technological advances we haven’t been back to the moon, but this is easily proven wrong by simply stating that the …show more content…

Skeptics believe that all the photos and video footage was taken in a “Hollywood-style film studio” (Burnett 305). These nonbelievers think that they have found errors in the editing of the pictures. One of the most popular things people like to point out is that in all the footage there is not any stars. This is in fact how you know they are real. Any simple minded person with the basic knowledge of science would know this. If the pictures were to have stars in them you’d be able to tell they were unreal; the landings were done during the daytime hours on the moon. The moon is a light grey so not only was it already super bright but the color of the moon reflected the light. For you to be able to see what came out on the camera they’d have to be set where only minimal light is allowed. The stars, being at the distance they are from the moon, were not bright enough to show up on the photos. “Even modern NASA pictures of the space shuttle or earth from orbit do not usually show stars.” (Krystek). They just aren’t bright enough to show compared to the brighter …show more content…

The shadows are “too light” so the picture can’t be real. This isn’t true. Skeptics say that if the photos had truly been taken on the moon that the shadows would be pitch black, since there is only one source of light and there’s no atmosphere to scatter the light. The reason that the shadows are lightened is because light is reflecting off of other objects, like to moon’s surface, the astronauts spacesuits, and the all the equipment brought with them. The moons light surface makes the shadows lit whereas it’d be the opposite if the moon’s surface was darker because it would absorb the light. Another “problem” with the shadows is that they are diverged and non-parallel. People literally scrape the bottom of the barrel when they try to back up what they believe without any actual logic. Whether the shadows are parallel or diverged depends on the camera lens that is used. The lens that had been used on the moon was a slight wide-angle; this can make parallel shadows appear diverged. There are photos taken that do not show any divergence and the parallel shadows converge on the photo’s ending point, the way they are supposed to; which is again, disproving the

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