Moral Conflicts In Shashi Tharoor's The Great Indian Novel

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In the tradition of allegorical writer, Shashi Tharoor’s The Great Indian Novel is fills with more allegorical elements, scintillating wit, the facets of parody, emphasis on the immingle with myth, and recast and retells the greatest epic Mahabharata through the modern Indian history. Tharoor skillfully blends the mythical and complex story of the Mahabharata and its outlying legends with Indian political history in 20th century. Thus, TGIN brings an understanding of the subtext MB. Tharoor tries to recreate the characters from post modern perspective and that arises from reading and interpreting of the great epic with the importance of Indian pre and post independent era eloquently. Tharoor conveniently mocks and makes pun on the contemporary socio-political scenario where class based and caste based politics rules over in 21st century. Gurcharan Das makes changeover in his routine writing style from Economics to Ethics, he plans to read one of the greatest epic and tries to exemplar in contemporary life. Das’s TDBG extracts the epic characters and their strenuous moral choices which leads to moral conflicts and dilemma in certain circumstances. Thus, he provokes connection between contemporary issues with moral dilemma and inner conflict through ones individual