Moral Education: The Hidden Curriculum

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Hidden curriculum refers to the unwritten, unofficial, and intended lessons, values and perspectives that students learn in school. While the ‘formal’ curriculum consists of the courses, lessons and learning activities participate in as well as the knowledge and skills educators intentionally teach to students, the hidden curriculum consists of the unspoken or implicit academic, social and cultural messages that are communicated to students while they are in school. The hidden curriculum concept is based on the recognition that students absorb lessons in school that may or may not be part of the course of study. For example, how they should interact with peers, teachers, and other adults, how they should perceive different races, …show more content…

Many people feel like those things like morals, manners and discipline should be left to parenting, schools should be focused on educational contents. Yet classroom observations often indicate that perhaps parents are not adequately socializing their children and are instead shifting the blame or responsibility to the school educators. Castellana E (2004) writes that schools often restrict freedom with a promise that they are preparing students for freedom later elsewhere. Castellana further contends that this sort of learning undermines peace because by enforcing submission, students cannot learn how to encounter and overcome conflict without …show more content…

If students were to earn extra credit when participating during class, doing things told to do in time, they will learn compliance is very important those other behaviors (Hidden Curriculum: 2017).
Hidden curriculum at micro level
It is reported that the hidden curriculum is expressed in terms of the distraction between what is meant to happen, that is the curriculum stated officially by the educational system or institutional and what teachers actually do and experience on the ground while delivering the curriculum.
Hidden curriculum at meso level
It is observed by writers the way that a school or academic program is organized and operated can convey messages to students. If non English speaking students are largely separated from their peers for the most of the school day or students with physical or learning disabilities are enrolled in specialized programs that are relegated to windowless classrooms in the basement, sense of cultural belonging, self-worth or academic potential. The formal rules in a school may communicate a wide variety of intentional and unintentional messages to students in different