The Role Of Abortion In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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Under what circumstances is it okay for us to decide whether or not another human should be killed? Is it ever correct for us to decide this and carry out the death for ourselves? Should abortion be legal? Should we be allowed to kill people just because they are different? Would it be better to kill people with disabilities and/or deformities when they are born instead of letting them live? In the book frankenstein there is speculation on whether or not Victor should have killed his creation once it came to life. Many argue it would have suffered much less in life if it had not been allowed to live in the first place, and that perhaps that would have been the best thing for the monster. I beg to disagree. The monster did indeed have a hard life, but it had so much love in it’s heart when he …show more content…

Victor then destroyed the bride he was making for his monster halfway through and then threw her parts in the ocean. This was the last straw for his creation as that was his last chance at having someone who would love him. He then goes and begins to kill everyone Victor loves so that he can get a taste of the loneliness the monster has felt his entire life. He hopes that once Victor understands he might pity him and therefore give him a chance at love. He just wants his father to love him. He wants someone to understand what he has felt his entire life. None of what happened is the monsters fault. He was never showed the correct way to live and not only that he was never once showed any love or kindness. No one should ever be killed for the way they look. No one should ever be treated how the monster was for something they can’t control. Lack of love and acceptance is what creates a monster, not their appearance. Similarly no one should ever be killed for a disability they have been born with or that has developed in the