Mordred Literary Analysis Essay

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There are many different interpretations of the story of Mordred. The main story that most cultures go by is that Mordred is the “devil born” child of King Arthur. It shows the fact that King Arthur may have been misled or tricked by his sister Morgause (or sometimes known as Anna) into having sex with her therefore birthing the child known as Mordred. Other legends say Arthur knew, but all the stories stay around the same general consensus. King Arthur was also known to shun Mordred as he did not want to be connected to his mistake with Anna. The legends typically proceed to Mordred temporarily taking the throne for Arthur as he attempts to take over Rome. Mordred, as he sits on Arthur’s throne, begins to make love to Arthur’s wife who is also known as …show more content…

He gathers troops and prepares for Arthur’s return to take the throne. Arthur finally arrives with his troops ready. They both go to war with each other’s armies and the stories vary with the fact that Arthur and Mordred fought each other. There is almost an argument on whether or not they even met each other on the battlefield or if they died elsewhere by another soldier’s hand. The reason this particular article is interesting is because it shows the same story but adds another layer of Mordred’s personal life. The story delves into the love life of Mordred and explains how he met his love. Mordred and his love, who is never named in the story, meet under the shade of Arthur’s castle; this refers to the fact that she was loyal to King Arthur. Mordred realizes this so he tries to distance himself with her but cannot no matter how hard he tries. He also knows he cannot tell her that he is against King Arthur lest she will leave him. He decides to proceed with her without telling her. Eventually, Mordred decides he has to go to war with Arthur. The war between Mordred and Arthur progresses to a climax where an anonymous warrior climbs over the hill in a full suit of